Papuanski dnevnik: Cigaretnik
Tibor Sekelj u knjizi “Papuanski dnevnik“ opisuje kako se koristio cigaretnik
“Promatrao sam kako puše. Za pušenje upotrebljavaju lulu, zapravo muštiklu koja se sastoji od bambusove cijevi duge 25-30 centimetara, a oko deset u promjeru, zatvorene prirodnim čvorom na jednoj strani, a otvorene na drugoj. Blizu zatvorenog kraja nalazi se okrugla rupica. U nju se uvlači cigareta od prešanog crnog duhana umotanog u komad lista ili novinski papir. Trska se stavlja na usta tako da njen okrugli otvor pokrije usne. Onaj tko daje cigaretu je „centralni pušač“. On povuče dim pa ga onda ponovno puše u cijev trske. Onda izvadi cigaretu, a trsku punu dima predaje nekom drugom. Ovaj prihvaća trsku tako da jednim prstom začepi rupicu za cigaretu, da tu dim ne bi izašao. Zatim povuče dim iz cijevi i ispušta ga. Vraća cijev “centralnom pušaču”. On ponovno stavlja cigaretu u otvor, povlači dim direktno iz cigarete, a svi ostali iz “druge ruke”. Ovim načinom cijelo društvo koristi cigaretu, a da vlasnik ništa ne gubi.”
(Sekelj 2019: 30)
In his “Papuan Diary,” Tibor Sekelj describes how a cigarette holder was used.
”I observed how they smoke. They use a pipe, essentially a cigarette holder consisting of a bamboo tube about 25-30 centimeters long and around ten centimeters in diameter, sealed by a natural knot on one side and open on the other. There is a round hole near the closed end. A cigarette made of pressed black tobacco wrapped in a piece of leaf or newspaper is inserted into this hole. The bamboo tube is placed to the mouth so that its round opening covers the lips. The person who provides the cigarette is the “central smoker.” They draw in the smoke and then blow it back into the bamboo tube. Then they remove the cigarette and pass the smoke-filled bamboo tube to another person, who holds the tube while plugging the cigarette hole with one finger so the smoke does not escape. They then inhale the smoke from the tube and release it. The tube is returned to the “central smoker,” who once again places the cigarette in the opening, draws directly from the cigarette, while everyone else inhales the “secondhand smoke.” In this way, the whole group shares a single cigarette at no detriment to the owner.“
(Sekelj 2019: 30)